Those Things

It's those things that are gross, but funny at the same time; those things that only immature people would understand; those things that make us feel like complete idiots, yet smart at the same time that can make our entire day better.


credit to:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

YouTube and Boredom

Hey people. I don't really know what to blogg about... that's why I haven't written in a while. My friends and I have been talking about opening a YouTube channel for a while now, but only recently we actually started brainstorming ideas.
As I'm asuming, opening a YouTube channel isn't an easy thing to do, so I hope it works out. Erghhhh this is boring isn't it? I wish it wasn't...
     I wish so too!
STFU! ;)

boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom boredom 

wow... I really AM bored. OH! I'm watching SKYFALL today with my friends :] that'll be fun! (one of them has a blog too!)

ok, I'm going to save you all from this boredom and stop writing.
peace out! (\/)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


HeyHeyHey! What's poppin' my ninjas?! It's your shrimp's favourite blogger here, and today, I'm talking about INDREDIBOX.
     Incredibox? What's that?
I'll tell you...

Incredibox is this amazing website where you make your own beat/melody/music and it's really addicting!
I've already finshed my first mix, and I'm working on my second one right now! It's a load of fun! You should check it out.

To hear my 1st mix, go on this link!

Enjoy! xoxo

Monday, November 19, 2012

Top 10: Ways To Die

Every Monday I'll be putting a top 10 list of something. Enjoy!


1. Your enemies severed head

2. Exploding lakes

3. Your own wooden leg

4. Floods - not the water kind

5. Video games

6. Sex

7. Elevator

8. Your husband's coffin

9. Throwing yourself at a window to show how strong the glass is (or isn't)

10. Insane fit of laughter

I hope you all enjoyed this lovely top 10 list of ways to die. For explanations on each of these topics, go to this link and read. If you're too lazy to read, then you will never know how exactly you will die from those things... *evil laugh* JK. But seriously, I hope you liked it! xoxo, person with a blogg

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Addiction. It is one thing in this world that every single person has. Usually, addiction is bad... or can lead to bad things. But I'm not here to lecture you about drugs, alcohol and stuff like that.. I'm here to talk mainly about YouTube and minecraft.

Let's start with YouTube, shall we?
     No. We shan't.
WTF man? "Shan't" ain't a word!
     Well, neither is "ain't"... you still used it.
Yeah, but at least it's something that people actually say.
     Shut up no one like you anyw-
Ok.. so starting with YouTube.

Now, for those lifeless people who don't go on YouTube every single day of their week - you might as well stop reading. If you do go on YouTube every day - good job! You're officially a shrimp! Yes, I did say shrimp... Anyways, YouTube is this evil little thing which shoves hilarious videos and epic songs in your face. It is owned by terrible little creatures and they make you procrastinate :[ that isn't very nice now - is it?

Naaaaah... I'm just kidding.

YouTube is this amazing website which we all go on at on point or another [one point = all points]. It contains basically every single video on this entire planet. It is my #1 addict and I'm not ashamed of admitting that. I love YouTube. The thing I love most about YouTube, are the youtubers. They are probably the most amazing people I have ever heard of/seen/etc./yougetthepoint...

And now, for a list of my FAVOURITE youtubers:
*there is no specific order... it's just by who I remember
1. Charles "Charlie" McDonnell AKA charlieissocoollike
2. Ryan Higa AKA nigahiga
3. Jenna Mourey AKA jennamarbles
4. Dominic "D-Trix" Sandoval AKA theDOMINICshow
5. Ray William Johnson AKA raywilliamjohnson / yourfavoritemartian
6. Lana McKissack AKA lanamckissack
7. Justin James Hughes AKA justinjameshughes
8. Chester See AKA chestersee
9. Chris & Nick Riedell AKA thebrothersriedell
10. Lucas Cruikshank AKA lucas
& There's a lot more but I don't remember them all..... sorry :]

On to my next and final addiction topic... MINECRAFT. If you have no interest in games with purposely poor graphics yet complete awesomeness - YOU MAY LEAVE. For those who are staying for yet another part of my ranting - congrats! You are shrimps. Again.

So, how do I begin..? Minecraft is.. Well, minecraft is like...
     Well, this is awkward...
What so you mean?
     Uuuum... you don't know how to explain your own addiction.
     That is just sad my friend...
Well then... Why don't you explain it?
     I WILL!
     Minecraft is a sandbox indie game originally created by
Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and later developed and published by Mojang. It was publicly released for the PC on May 17, 2009, as a developmental alpha version and, after many gradual updates, was published as a full release version on November 18, 2011. A version for Android was released a month earlier on October 7, and an iOS version was released on November 17, 2011. On May 9, 2012, the game was released on Xbox 360 as an Xbox Live Arcade game, co-developed by 4J Studios. All versions of Minecraft receive frequent updates.

     The creative and building aspects of Minecraft allow players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world. Other activities in the game include exploration, gathering resources, crafting and combat. Gameplay in its commercial release has two principal modes: survival, which requires players to acquire resources and maintain their health and hunger; and creative, where players have an unlimited supply of resources, the ability to fly, and no health or hunger. A third gameplay mode, named hardcore, is essentially the same as survival, but the difficulty is locked on the hardest setting and respawning is disabled, forcing players to delete their worlds upon death.

     Minecraft received many awards in 2011 and 2012, including five awards from the 2011 Game Developers Conference. It was awarded the Innovation Award, Best Downloadable Game Award, and the Best Debut Game Award from the Game Developers Choice Awards; and the Audience Award, as well as the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, from the Independent Games Festival in 2011. In 2012, Minecraft was awarded a Golden Joystick Award for being the Best Downloadable Game. As of November 12, 2012 the game has sold over eight million copies on PC and over eleven million copies across all platforms.
You just took all that from wikipedia!
     So? At least I explained it...
True dat!

Sooooo... the reason why I LOVE minecraft is because I can literally be myself. I can build whatever I want without haveing anyone judge me for it or tell me what to do. Unless I upload it to planet minecraft for the whole world to see. Which brings me to my final point: If you, dear reader, are a fellow miner/crafter/whateveryoucallit then go on planet minecraft, create an account, and subscribe to my friend Sean! You won't regret it. And if you will...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
too bad.

Well, that was enough ranting for today, don't you think? I'll blogg more some other time.. xoxo

P.S: Subscribing to me on PMC isn't such a bad idea ;]

Thursday, November 15, 2012

don't worry, be happy :]

Today, I was sitting in class. Like I do day after day, week after week, month after month. I started getting bored so I took my pen and started writing on my hand...
     You'll get skin cancer!
Well, that's not the point of the story, is it?

Anyways, in the end it turned out that I wrote "don't worry, be happy :)" (with a proper smiley face). I decided to leave it there for the rest of the day. OK fine, it was the last class of the day... but you know what? I still decided to leave it there. Once again - not the point of the story.

After school, I was hanging out with two of my friends in the art room. We were talking about random things, doodling and stuff... Then I asked them if they heard about what's going on in Israel (my home country). Then I wanted to show them a video about it so I went on an Israeli news web page and I saw that a missile has been sent to a city near where my grandma lives.

I started freaking out and cried a bit. It was one of the most terrible feelings in the world. Knowing that in a matter of moments, my friends and family can be dead. While me - I'm safe, in a different country, without having to worry about these things.

When I got home, the first thing I did was speak to my grandma and I made her promise that if anything happens in the city where she lives - she'll come straight to Accra, Ghana with us. I'm still scared though, because anything can happen. ANYTHING.
     You can't fly...
Really? This is what you're saying at a time like this?!
     Well, you actually cannot fly. It's not humanly possible.
     But sorry, keep going...

Where was I? Oh yeah, ANYTHING. For good or for bad. Only a few minutes ago I noticed the "don't worry, be happy :)" on my hand, and thought about it. About this whole situation. Maybe, just maybe, it'll pass away soon.

So, as cheesy as it is - don't worry, be happy! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


HeyHeyHey people of the interweb!

I'm bored... extremely... but I'd like to ask YOU a question!
     Aww, me? Really? That's so thoughtfu-
Shut up!

Anyways, the question is drum roll please
pretty please
naaah, common!
*rolls a drum* thanks!


     Wait, why wha-
Let me finish!

Why do we have to wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night? Why is two plus two four? Why do we like playing minecraft instead of doing our homework? (guilty -___-) Why do our headphones get tangled up, even if we didn't touch them?!?!?!

WHY is the ultimate question for everything in this world and what I'd like you people to do for some unknown reason that has just been implanted in my brain (what?)... I'd like you to come up with an answer for the first "why" question that pops into your head, and actually think about it for the rest of your day (if anyone reading is a vampire, then for the rest of your night). For the sake of random things, and random bloggs and other random stuffs.

Oh no, i just realized I'm procrastinating right now. Gotta go do meh humanities essay.... *eyeroll*

See ya! (technically, you'll be seeing me. not even... you'll be seeing my words on this blogg site) xoxo, person with a blogg ^-^